

• Normal estimation
• Curvature estimation
• Principal curvature directions
• …


Approximate the (unknown) underlying surface

(1) Continuous approximation:Approximate the surface & compute continuous differential measures (normal, curvature)
(2) Discrete approximation:Approximate differential measures for mesh

Continuous Approximation

Quadratic Approximation



  • Compute normal at vertex
    • Typically average face normals
  • Compute tangent plane & local coordinate system
  • For each neighbor vertex compute location in local system
    • relative to node and tangent plane


定义 quadric function,例如抛物面

$$ F(x, y, z)=ax^{2}+bxy+cy^{2}-z=0 $$

使用least squares来找到拟合quadric function的系数

$$ \min \sum_{i}^{} (ax_i^2+bx_iy_i+cy_i^2-z_i) $$

$$ \begin{pmatrix}x_1^2 & x_1y_1 &y_1^2 \\ \cdots &\cdots &\cdots \\ x_n^2 &x_ny_n &y_n^2 \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}a  \\b  \\c \end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}z_1  \\\cdots  \\z_n \end{pmatrix}A=\begin{pmatrix}x_1^2 & x_1y_1 &y_1^2 \\ \cdots &\cdots &\cdots \\ x_n^2 &x_ny_n &y_n^2 \end{pmatrix},X=\begin{pmatrix}a  \\b  \\c \end{pmatrix},b=\begin{pmatrix}z_1  \\\cdots  \\z_n \end{pmatrix} $$

Approximation can be found by:\(\tilde{X}=\left(A^{T} A\right)^{-1} A^{T} b\)


Approximation principal curvatures

Given surface \(F\),principal curvatures \(k_\min \) and \(k_\max\) are real roots of:

$$ k^{2}-(a+c)k + ac - b^{2} = 0 $$

Mean curvature:

$$ H = (k_\min + k_\max)/2 $$

Gaussian curvature:

$$ K = k_\min k_\max $$

Other approximation

  • Cubic approximation
    • J. Goldfeather and V. Interrante. A novel cubic‐order algorithm for approximating principal direction vectors. ACM Transactions on Graphics 23, 1 (2004), 45–63.
  • Implicit surface approximation
    • Yutaka Ohtake et al. Multi‐level partition of unity implicits. Siggraph 2003.
  • Many others…

Discrete Approximation

顶点的Normal Estimation

顶点Normal = 加权平均 face normals

Weighted: face areas, angles at vertex

What happen at edges/creases(折痕)?

Mean Curvature


$$ K(x_i)=\frac{1}{2A_M} \sum_{j\in N_1(i)}^{} (\cot \alpha _{ij}+\cot \beta _{ij})(x_i-x_j) $$


Gauss Curvature



👆 color map:数据的可视化方法,红 > 绿 > 篮


Approximation always results in some noise


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  • MEYER M., DESBRUN M., SCHRÖDER P., BARR A.: Discrete differential‐geometry operators for triangulated 2‐ manifolds. In Visualization and Mathematics III, Hege H.‐C., Polthier K., (Eds.). Springer, 2003, pp. 35–58.
  • CAZALS F., POUGET M.: Estimating differential quantities using polynomial fitting of osculating jets. In Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (2003), pp. 177–187.
  • COHEN‐STEINER D., MORVAN J.: Restricted delaunay triangulations and normal cycle. In Proc. ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (2003), pp. 312–321.
  • GOLDFEATHER J., INTERRANTE V.: A novel cubic‐order algorithm for approximating principal direction vectors. ACM Transactions on Graphics 23, 1 (2004), 45–63.
  • MARTIN R. R.: Estimation of principal curvatures from range data. International Journal of Shape Modeling 4, 1 (1998), 99–109.
  • OHTAKE Y., BELYAEV A., SEIDEL H.‐P.: Ridge‐valley lines on meshes via implicit surface fitting. ACM Transactions on Graphics 23, 3 (2004), 609–612. (Proc. SIGGRAPH’2004).
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本文出自CaterpillarStudyGroup,转载请注明出处。 https://caterpillarstudygroup.github.io/GAMES102_mdbook/