3. Mesh Proxy
- Define a mesh proxy for the shape: generally a simpler, coarse mesh which encloses the shape
The shape is embedded into the mesh proxy
- Deform the mesh proxy using point/line base methods
• You can deform arbitrary objects
• Independent of object representation
3.1 Free‐form Deformation (FFD)
[Sederberg et al. 86]
- Proxy: a lattice mesh
- more easily parametrized than the object
- Deformation defined by the tensor Bezier solid
3.2 Cage‐based deformation
- Proxy: cage
- Barycentric coordinates
怎么找 Cage?
3.3 Multiresolution Editing
- Proxy: simplified shape
对曲面进行光顺 (简化),再还原细节
- Pros
• Preserving details, scalable - Cons
• Instable reconstruction for large deformation
• Resampling problem - Invariant variables
• Detail information
Short Summary: mesh proxy
• Lattice
• Cage
• Simplified shape
• …
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