1. Local Simplification Strategies

Local error: Compare new patch with previous iteration

• Fast
• Accumulates error
• Memory‐less

The Basic Algorithm

(1) Select the element with minimal error
(2) Perform simplification operation (remove/contract)
(3) Update error (local/global)
重复(1)-(3)Until mesh size / quality is achieved



  • Measures
    • Distance to plane
    • Curvature
  • Usually approximated
    • Average plane
    • Discrete curvature




(1) Choose point closest to set of planes (triangles)

(2) Sum of squared distances to set of planes is quadratic \(\Rightarrow\) has a minimum

用二次曲面来拟合,得到系数矩阵,用二次曲面性质来度量 [Garland & Heckbert 1997]

Given a plane, we can define a quadric Q

$$ Q=(A,b,c)=(nn^T,dn,d^2) $$

measuring squared distance to the plane as

$$ Q(V)=V^TAV+2b^TV+c $$

$$ Q(V)=\begin{bmatrix} x & y&z \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} a^2 &ab &ac \\ ab& b^2&bc \\ ac & bc &c^2 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} x\\ y\\ z \end{bmatrix}+2\begin{bmatrix} ad & bd &cd \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} x\\ y\\ z \end{bmatrix}+d^2 $$

Garland and Heckbert. Surface Simplification Using Quadric Error Metrics. Siggraph 1997.

  • Sum of quadrics represents set of planes

$$ \sum _i(n_i^TV+d_i)^2=\sum _iQ_i(V)=\begin{pmatrix}\sum _iQ_i \end{pmatrix}(V) $$

  • Each vertex has an associated quadric
    • Error\((v_i) = Q_i (v_i)\)
    • Sum quadrics when contracting \((v_i,v_j) \to v’\)
    • Cost of contraction is \(Q(v’)\)

$$ Q=Q_i+Q_j=(A_i+A_j,b_i+b_j,c_i+c_j) $$

  • Sum of endpoint quadrics determines v’
    • Fixed placement: select \(v_1\) or \(v_2\)
    • Optimal placement: choose v’ minimizing \(Q(v’)\)

$$ \nabla Q({V}' )=0\Rightarrow {V}' =-A^{-1}b $$

• Fixed placement is faster but lower quality
• But it also gives smaller progressive meshes
• Fallback to fixed placement if A is non‐invertible

Contracting Two Vertices

  • Goal: Given edge e=(\(v_1, v_2\)), find contracted

\(v=(x, y, z)\) that minimizes \(\Delta(v)\):

$$ \partial \Delta / \partial x=\partial \Delta / \partial y=\partial \Delta / \partial z=0 $$

  • Solve system of linear normal equations.

$$ \begin{bmatrix} q_{11} &q_{12} &q_{13} &q_{14} \\ q_{21} & q_{22} &q_{23} & q_{24}\\ q_{31} & q_{32} &q_{33} & q_{34}\\ 0& 0 & 0 &1 \end{bmatrix}V=\begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0\\ 0\\ 1 \end{bmatrix} $$

If no solution - select the edge midpoint

Visualizing Quadrics

  • Quadric isosurfaces
    • Are ellipsoids (maybe degenerate)
    • Centered around vertices
    • Characterize shape
    • Stretch in least‐curved directions


Selecting Valid Pairs for Contraction

  • Edges:

{\((v_1, v_2):(v_1v_2)\). is in the mesh }

  • Close vertices:


  • Threshold T is input parameter


  • Compute \(Q_v\) for all the mesh vertices
  • Identify all valid pairs
  • Compute for each valid pair (\(v_1, v_2\)) the contracted vertex \(v\) and its error \(\Delta(v)\)
  • Store all valid pairs in a priority queue (according to \(\Delta(v)\))
  • While reduction goal not met
    • Contract edge (\(v_1, v_2\)) with the smallest error to \(v\)
    • Update the priority queue with new valid pairs

Artifacts by Edge Collapse


Pros and Cons

  • Pros
    • Error is bounded
    • Allows topology simplification
    • High quality result
    • Quite efficient
  • Cons
    • Difficulties along boundaries
    • Difficulties with coplanar planes
    • Introduces new vertices not present in the original mesh

Appearance‐based metrics

  • Generalization required to handle appearance properties
    • color
    • texture
    • normals
    • etc.
  • Treat each vertex as a 6‐vector [x,y,z,r,g,b]
    • Assume this 6D space is Euclidean
      • Of course, color space is only roughly Euclidean
    • Scale xyz space to unit cube for consistency

Generalized Quadric Metric

Color[x y z r g b]6x6 quadrics
Texture[x y z s t]5x5 quadrics
Norma[x y z u v w]6x6 quadrics
Color+Normal[x y z r g b u v w]9x9 quadrics

$$ Q(V)=V^TAV+2b^TV+C $$

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