
Interior Point Methods and Impact Zone Optimization

✅ 发现碰撞的pairs后如何处理。


Two Continuous Collision Response Approaches

✅ 这是两个大的套路,不是具体的方法。

Given the calculated next state \(\mathbf{x} ^{[1]}\), we want to update it into \(\bar{\mathbf{x} } ^{[1]}\), such that the path from \(\mathbf{x} ^{[0]}\) to \(\bar{\mathbf{x} } ^{[1]}\) is intersection-free.


内点法Impact Zone 法
✅ 蓝色区域为安全区域
✅ 从\(\mathbf{x}^{[0]}\)出来,朝\(\mathbf{x}^{[1]}\)走,并永远保证只在安全区域走,直到不能走为止。✅ 从\(\mathbf{x}^{[1]}\)出发,反复优化结果(投影),直到回到安全区域为止。
优点Always succeedFast.
1. Close to solution.
2. Only vertices in collision (impact zones).
3. Can take large step sizes.
✅ Impact Zone:\(\mathbf{x}^{[1]}\)通常离安全区域不太远,且优化时只针对 Impact Zone 优化,因此快。
1. Far from solution.
2. All of the vertices.
3. Cautiously by small step sizes.
May not succeed.✅ 内点:为保证每一步安全,步长不能太大,因此慢、哪怕\(\mathbf{\bar{x}}^{[1]}\)最终没有到最佳位置,但能保证一定在安全区域,因此一定成功。\(\mathbf{x}^{[0]}\)和\(\mathbf{x}^{[1]}\)可能比较远,也导致慢。
✅ 内点法慢的原因2没有解释。


Log-Barrier Interior Point Methods


For simplicity, let’s consider the Log-barrier repulsion between two vertices.

$$E(\mathbf{x} )=−\rho \text{ log} ||\mathbf{x} _{ij}||$$

$$ \mathbf{f} _i(\mathbf{x} )=−∇_iE=ρ\frac{\mathbf{x} _ {ij}}{||\mathbf{x} _ {ij}||^2} \\ \mathbf{f} _j(\mathbf{x} )=−∇_jE=−ρ\frac{\mathbf{x} _ {ij}}{||\mathbf{x} _{ij}||^2} $$

✅ 用 Log 定义能量、前面某一节课讲过。距离 → 能量 → 斥力

✅ 不需要互斥力一直存在,因此做了一个截断(IPC)



We can then formulate the problem as:

$$ \bar{\mathbf{x} }^ {[1]}\longleftarrow \mathrm{argmin} _\mathbf{x} (\frac{1}{2} ||\mathbf{x} −\mathbf{x} ^{[1]}||^2−ρ\sum \mathrm{log} ||\mathbf{x} _{ij}||) $$

✅ 优化目标:点的位置与目标位置(穿模)尽量接近,然后优化。

Gradient Descent:

\(\mathbf{x} ^{(0)}\longleftarrow \mathbf{x} ^{[0]}\)
For \(k=0…K\)
$$\mathbf{x} ^{(k+1)}\longleftarrow \mathbf{x} ^{(k)}+α(\mathbf{x} ^{[1]}−\mathbf{x} ^{(k)}+ρ\sum \frac{\mathbf{x} _{ij}}{||\mathbf{x} _{ij}||^2})$$ \(\bar{\mathbf{x} }^ {[1]}\longleftarrow \mathbf{x} ^{(k+1)}\)

The step size \({\color{Red} α}\) must be adjusted to ensure that no collision happens on the way. To find \({\color{Red} α}\), we need collision tests.

✅ 绿色是来自\(\mathbf{x}^{[1]}\)的引力,黄色是来自边界的斥力、关键是步长\(\alpha \), 每走一小步都需要反复的碰撞检测。


Impact Zone Optimization

The goal of impact zone optimization is to optimize \(\mathbf{x}^{[1]}\) until it becomes intersection-free. (This potentially suffers from the tunneling issue, but it’s uncommon.)

$$ \bar{\mathbf{x} }^{[1]}\longleftarrow \mathrm{argmin} _\mathbf{x}  \frac{1}{2} ||\bar{\mathbf{x} }-\mathbf{x}^{[1]}||^2 $$

$$ \text{such that} \begin{cases} C(\mathbf{x} )=−(\mathbf{x} _3−b_0\mathbf{x} _0−b_1\mathbf{x} _1−b_2\mathbf{x} _1)\cdot \mathbf{N} ≤0 & \text{ For each detected vertex-triangle pair } \\ C(\mathbf{x} )=−(b_2\mathbf{x} _2+b_3\mathbf{x} _3−b_0\mathbf{x} _0−b_1\mathbf{x} _1)\cdot \mathbf{N}≤0 & \text{ For each detected edge-edge pair } \end{cases} $$

✅ 利用 constrain(不是能量)转化成优化问题,具体没讲。


Geometric Impulse

The goal of impact zone optimization is to optimize \(\mathbf{x}^{[1]}\) until it becomes intersection-free. (This potentially suffers from the tunneling issue, but it’s uncommon.)

Every pair gives new positions to the involved vertices. We can combine them together in a Jacobi, or Gauss-Seidel fashion, just like position-based dynamics.


After-Class Reading (Cont.)

Bridson et al. 2002. Robust Treatment of Collisions, Contact and Friction for Cloth Animation. TOG (SIGGRAPH).

Relative simple explicit integration of cloth dynamics


Augmented Lagrangian

$$ \bar{\mathbf{x} }^{[1]}\longleftarrow \text{argmin} _\mathbf{x}  \frac{1}{2} ||{\mathbf{x} }-\mathbf{x}^{[1]}||^2 $$

$$ \text{such that} \begin{cases} C(\mathbf{x} )=−(\mathbf{x} _3−b_0\mathbf{x} _0−b_1\mathbf{x} _1−b_2\mathbf{x} _1)\cdot \mathbf{N} ≤0 & \text{ For each detected vertex-triangle pair } \\ C(\mathbf{x} )=−(b_2\mathbf{x} _2+b_3\mathbf{x} _3−b_0\mathbf{x} _0−b_1\mathbf{x} _1)\cdot \mathbf{N}≤0 & \text{ For each detected edge-edge pair } \end{cases} $$


Augmented Lagrangian

We can then convert it into an unconstrained form:

$$\bar{\mathbf{x} } {[1]}\longleftarrow \text{argmin}_{x,λ}(\frac{1}{2} ||\mathbf{x} −\mathbf{x} ^{[1]}||^2+\frac{ρ}{2} ||\text{max}(\tilde{C} (\mathbf{x} ))||^2−\frac{1}{2ρ}||\mathbf{λ} ||^2) $$

$$ \tilde{C} (\mathbf{x})= \text{max}(\mathbf{C} (\mathbf{x} )+\mathbf{λ} /ρ) $$

Augmented Lagrangian:

\(\mathbf{x} ^{(0)} \longleftarrow \mathbf{x} ^{[0]}\)
\(\mathbf{λ \longleftarrow 0} \)
For \(k=0…K\)
$$\mathbf{x} ^{(k+1)} \longleftarrow \mathbf{x} ^{(k)}−α∇(\frac{1}{2} ||\mathbf{x} −\mathbf{x} ^{[1]}||^2+\frac{ρ}{2} ||\text{max}(\tilde{C} (\mathbf{x} ))||^2−\frac{1}{2ρ}||\mathbf{λ} ||^2)$$
\(λ\longleftarrow ρ\tilde{C} (\mathbf{x} )\)
\(\bar{\mathbf{x} } ^{[1]}\longleftarrow \mathbf{x} ^{(k+1)}\)

Tang et al. 2018. I-Cloth: Incremental Collision Handling for GPU-Based Interactive Cloth Simulation. TOG. (SIGGRAPH Asia)


About Impact Zone Optimization

  • Fast per iteration

    • Only have to deal with vertices in collision.
  • Convergence sensitive to \(||\mathbf{x} ^{[0]}−\mathbf{x} ^{[1]}||^2\), or the time step \(∆t\)

    • Can take many iterations to, or never achieve intersection-free.
    • Easy solution is to reduce \(∆t\), but that increases total costs.


Rigid Impact Zones

The rigid impact zone method simply freezes vertices in collision from moving in their pre-collision state. It’s simple and safe, but has noticeable artifacts.

✅ 检测到碰撞,则把这个区域退回到上一帧。


A Practical System

✅ 有碰撞,先做 Impact Zone. 因为这个快、不能解决再用后面方法、计算量不允许则选择 Rigid Impact.

