Position Based Dynamics (PBD)
Position based dynamics (PBD) is based on the projection function.
The stiffness behavior, i.e., how tightly constraints are enforced, is subject to non-physical factors.
- The number of iterations
- The mesh resolution
The velocity update following projection is important to dynamic effects.
This method is applicable to other constraints as well, including triangle constraints, volume constraints, and collision constraints.
- To implement these constraints, simply define their projection functions.
A PBD Simulator
//Do Simulation, update \(\mathbf{x}\) and \(\mathbf{v}\)
✅ 第一步:不考虑约束,基于粒子运动方法更新 \(\mathbf{v}\) 和 \(\mathbf{x}\);
//Now PBD starts.
$$ \mathbf{x} ^{\mathbf{new} } \longleftarrow \mathrm{Projection} (\mathbf{x} ) $$
$$ \mathbf{v}\longleftarrow \mathbf{v} +(\mathbf{x} ^{\mathbf{new} }−\mathbf{x})/∆t $$
$$ \mathbf{x}\longleftarrow \mathbf{x} ^{\mathbf{new}} $$
✅ 第二步:基于约束和投影函数更新 \(\mathbf{v}\) 和 \(t\).
Pros and Cons of PBD
- Pros
- Parallelable on GPUs (PhysX)
- Easy to implement
- Fast in low resolutions
- Generic, can handle other coupling and constraints, including fluids
✅ 一般来说,少于1000个点时能实时,多于1000个点时效率明显下降
✅ PBD 适用于低分辨率场景、常见的低精度实时模拟的套路。
❗ 模拟真正的时间开销不在计算 (虽然有很多计算公式) 而是在内存的访问上。
PBD 的优点是内存访问少、因为它没有太多物理变量。
- Cons
- Not physically correct
- Low performance in high resolutions
- Hierarchical approaches (can cause oscillation and other issues…)
- Acceleration approaches, like Chebyshev
✅ 问:PBD 非物理方法,怎么体现出弹性效果?
✅ 弹性表现受网格数量影响(难以控制)、没有所谓的精确解,哪怕迭代数足够多、迭代数过多会导致locking issue.
After-Class Reading
Muller. 2008. Hierarchical Position Based Dynamics. VRIPHYS.
✅ NVIDIA的很多物理引擎都是基于PBD的