- Suppose there is a text-to-image diffusion model.
- Goal: optimize NeRF parameter such that each angle “looks good” from the text-to-image model.
- Unlike ancestral sampling (e.g., DDIM), the underlying parameters are being optimized over some loss function.
✅ 参数不在 2D 空间而是在 Nerf 空间,构成优化问题,通过更新 Nerf 参数来满足 loss.
Score Distillation Sampling
Poole et al., "DreamFusion: Text-to-3D using 2D Diffusion", ICLR 2023
✅ 第二项:\( \partial \) Output/ \( \partial \) Input.
✅ 第三项:\( \partial \) Input Image/ \( \partial \) Nerf Angle
✅ 第二项要计算 diffusion model 的梯度,成本非常高。
✅ 第二项要求反向传播 through the diffuson model,很慢,且费内存。
✅ 这一页描述 Image → Loss 的过程。
✅ 公式 1 为 diffusion model objective fanction.
✅ 公式 2 为算法中使用的 loss,由于\(x =g(\theta )\),\(\frac{\partial L}{\partial \theta } =\frac{\partial L}{\partial x } \cdot \frac{\partial x }{\partial \theta } \),其中 \(\frac{\partial L}{\partial x }\) 又分为第一项和第二项。
✅ 公式 2 中的常系数都省掉了。
✅ 公式 3 把公式 2 中的第二项去掉了,为本文最终使用的 loss.
Score Distillation Sampling
Consider the KL term to minimize (given t):
$$ \mathbf{KL} (q(\mathbf{z} _ t|g(\theta );y,t)||p\phi (\mathbf{z} _ t;y,t)) $$
KL between noisy real image distribution and generated image distributions, conditioned on y!
KL and its gradient is defined as:
(B) can be derived from chain rule
\nabla _ \theta \log p _ \phi (\mathbf{z} _ t|y)=s _ \phi (\mathbf{z} _ t|y)\frac{\partial \mathbf{z} _ t}{\partial \theta }=\alpha _ ts _ \phi (\mathbf{z} _ t|y)\frac{\partial \mathbf{x} }{\partial \theta } =-\frac{\alpha _ t}{\sigma _ t}\hat{\epsilon }_ \phi (\mathbf{z} _ t|y)\frac{\partial \mathbf{x} }{\partial \theta }
(A) is the gradient of the entropy of the forward process with fixed variance = 0.
Poole et al., "DreamFusion: Text-to-3D using 2D Diffusion", ICLR 2023
✅ A: the gradient of the entropy of the forward process。由于前向只是加噪,因此 A 是固定值,即 0.
✅ P27 和 P28 证明 P26 中的第二项可以不需要。
❓ KL 散度用来做什么?LOSS 里没有这一项。
✅ KL 用于度量 \(P(\mathbf{Z}_t|t)\) 和 \(q(\mathbf{Z}_t|t)\).
✅ KL 第一项为 Nerf 的渲染结果加噪,KL 第二项为真实数据加噪。
Score Distillation Sampling
$$ (A)+(B)=\frac{\alpha _ t}{\sigma _ t}\hat{\epsilon } _ \phi (\mathbf{z} _ t|y)\frac{\partial \mathbf{x} }{\partial \theta } $$
However, this objective can be quite noisy.
Alternatively, we can consider a “baseline” approach in reinforcement learning: add a component that has zero mean but reduces variance. Writing out (A) again:
Thus, we have:
This has the same mean, but reduced variance, as we train \(\hat{\epsilon } _ \phi\) to predict \(\epsilon\)
Poole et al., "DreamFusion: Text-to-3D using 2D Diffusion", ICLR 2023
DreamFusion in Text-to-3D
- SDS can be used to optimize a 3D representation, like NeRF.
Poole et al., "DreamFusion: Text-to-3D using 2D Diffusion", ICLR 2023
✅ (1) 生成 Nerf (2) Nerf 投影 (3) 投影图加噪再去噪 (4) 对生成结果求 loss
✅ entire pipeline.
✅ 左上:从相机视角,生成 object 的投影。
✅ 左下:以相机视角为参数,推断出每个点的 Nerf 参数。
✅ 左中:左上和左下结合,得到渲染图像。
✅ 生成随机噪声,对渲染图像加噪。
✅ 右上:使用 diffusion model 从加噪图像中恢复出原始图像。(包含多个 step)
✅ 右下:得到噪声,并与原始噪声求 loss.
✅ 根据 loss 反传梯度优化左下的 MLP.